A New and Unsettling Force, screenprint, 12”x18”, 2017
Poor People’s Campaign Poster Portfolio
Just Seeds, 2018
Twenty-five 12”x18” screenprint posters by twenty-four artists. Also available as downloadable images. Popular education component of Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
Jane Norling, Miranda Bergman at launch of 400’ mural Educate to Liberate, San Francisco, 1988.
Jane Norling on Women’s Rights, Human Rights & Fifty Years of Art & Activism
Just Seeds Interview, 2018
Protest! Les Affiches Qui Ont Changé le Monde, 1968–1973
(Protest! Posters That Changed the World, 1968–1973)
Michaël Lellouche
Chene, 2018
Chapter 8: Light the Sky
San Francisco Peace and Hope, 2018
Literary journal devoted to poetry and visual art. Featuring the painting Love the Woods, 40x40”, oil and graphite on panel, 2011.
All of Us or None: Social Justice Posters of the San Francisco Bay Area Catalog
Lincoln Cushing
Heyday Press, 2012
The Lake The Islands, 30”x 30”, oil, resin & graphite on alder panel, 2009
Jane Norling’s Art
Margaret Randall
Revolución: Cuban Poster Art
Lincoln Cushing
Chronicle Books, 2003
Includes poster Jane Norling designed while on staff at OSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity with the People of Africa, Asia and Latin America). 23 de septiembre Día de Solidaridad Mundial con la Lucha del Pueblo de Puerto Rico/September 23 Day of World Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Puerto Rico, offset, 27”x19” , Havana, 1972.
Sisters Celebrate Vietnamese Independence Day, Sept 2-5, Jane Norling, Gail Dolgin design & print, 11”x14,” offset, Peoples Press, 1971
One Struggle, Two Communities: Late 20th Century Political Posters of Havana, Cuba and the San Francisco Bay Area
Lincoln Cushing exhibition curator, 2003
Posters of Bay Area artists Enrique Chagoya, Emory Douglas, Juan Fuentes, Rupert Garcia, Nancy Hom, Malaquias Montoya, Jane Norling, Jos Sances reflect the impact of Cuban graphics on movement posters produced in 1960s-70s.